GTT: 7 Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs | How to Style Your Little Black Dress

GTT: 7 Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs | How to Style Your Little Black Dress

GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs GTT: Hacks for Sexy Summer Legs

Our legs are fully on display in summer.  Between shorts, dresses and mini skirts, there seems to be a reason every single day to keep your legs looking fly.  I get asked frequently by my GGs how to achieve pretty stems, which is the inspiration behind today’s Girl Talk Tuesday.  So, ladies…  Let’s talk L E G S.

my favorite leg hacks

  1. Calf exercises.  This isn’t a quick fix.  But if you want Carrie Underwoods legs (have you seen those babies?!) then you gotta put in the work.  Calf rises are quick and easy exercises that will help get that gorgeous shape to your calves.
  2. A great shave.  Did you know that a lot of women prefer men’s razors over women’s razors because they claim to give a closer shave?  If you compare a male versus female razor, the men’s has more blades tightly packed together, which is probably the reason they get that closer shave.  A closer shave means slower grow-back time.  Slower grow-back time means a longer amount of time before stubble starts.  Hold my coffee while I run to the drugstore and pick us ALL up a men’s razor, mmmkay?
  3. Exfoliation.  Okay, this is a whole blog post in and of itself.  Exfoliation, in my opinion, is the most underrated beauty technique on earth.  Removing dead skin will allow you to get a closer shave and leaves behind silky smooth gams.
  4. Shave again.  No, but really.  When I need my legs to bring their A-game, I shave, exfoliate, then shave again.  These three steps in one shower session.  I’m promising you, your legs will be smoother than you ever knew possible.
  5. Spackle them.  Keep those puppies moisturized!  Hydrated skin looks silky, smooth and shiny.  My favorite body moisturizer is this one from L’Occitane.  I want to take a bite, it smells so yummy (I don’t recommend doing that).
  6. Fake a tan.  I have two products I swear by for stunning legs.  First is what I like to call my “Pantyhose in a can”:  Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs.  I spray this makeup on my legs when I want to look like I actually have seen the sun and it does the trick every single time.  If I want more of a radiant, glowy look, I reach for Vita Liberata Body Blur.  Holy cow, talk about amazing.  You know how the Victoria’s Secret models legs shine bright like a diamond as they prance down that runway every December?  Body Blur is the closest my legs have ever looked to VS Angel status.
  7. Wear nude heels.  If you caught my video about how to look good in photos, then you already know this hack.  But it really does work!  Nude heels trick the eye into believing that your legs appear longer than they really are.  Next time you wear a dress, opt for nude heels and see if they make a difference.  These nude heels are my favorite ever.  They’re so comfortable and match literally everything in my closet.  I love them so much, I’m now on my THIRD pair, lol.  Check out this post, where I was wearing these heels back in 2015!  I just saw that they’re on sale for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, so I’ll be ordering pair number four when I’m done writing this post.

Okay, you’re up.  I want to hear from Y O U!  What are your favorite leg hacks for summer?  How do you get your gams lookin good fast?  Let me know all your secrets in the comments.  Spill the beans!


1920 1282 Angela Lanter
  • Great tips! I’ll have to try men’s razors, I hadn’t heard that before. My go to is a spray tan but they don’t last long and can get spendy. I did try a self tanner at home once, it did not go well ?. Thanks for more great tips!

    • Angela Lanter

      Do you exfoliate before your spray tan? Exfoliating before and keeping your skin super moisturized after helps a spray tan last longest!

  • Tracy Meldrum

    the day when it BECOMES hot, and your legs are just NOT READY for shorts….. #theworst

  • Rebekah R

    I always steal my hubs razors lol. I also have found Rodan and Fields foam tanner works great but doesn’t smell the best lol. I will be looking into the ones you posted as well.

    • Angela Lanter

      I hate when you can smell tanner on yourself! I gross myself out lol!

  • Great tips, Angela! I need to try exfoliating.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks, Dina! I’ll do an in-depth post about it soon!

  • Lori Leung

    Hmmmm I will have to buy men’s razors and give that a whirl HEHEHE. As for tanning the legs I have olive skin and live in Florida, so my legs usually tan without any help. If I work in the yard I wear clothes from Columbia to protect myself with a hat, but just walking to the car at a store I will get tanned legs :).

    • Angela Lanter

      That’s so nice, Lori! I wish my legs stayed tan!!

  • Lori Leung

    I will have to buy men’s razors and give that a try.

  • Hi Angela.

    I saw last weeks you tube Video and nude hills really work. I mean I dont have them but it looks like it really works. My skin tone is very tan. Although for me it isn’t Summer at the moment. Thank you for the hacks.

    Sorry but I don’t really have hacks to tell you.

    • Angela Lanter

      I bet you could find a heel that’s close to your skin tone! πŸ™‚

  • Victoria

    I’ve always used men shaves because, I don’t know in USA but where I live women’s razors are waaaaay more expensive than men’s, so why pay more just because it’s pink, i’m i right?…
    it actually makes sense that they are sharper and better because their hair ir grosser
    I have a question although, you exfoliate, you shave and exfoliate again? isn’t your skins more sensible after shaving?

    THOSE SHOES (hart eyes emoji)

    • Angela Lanter

      Women’s razors are always more expensive! It’s so dumb.
      No, I shave, exfoliate, then shave once more. Then I layer on the lotion. No sensitivity since I’m only exfoliating once. But you definitely need a good razor! πŸ™‚

  • Those heels are pretty but I have HUGE feet and pointy heels make my feet look even bigger. Any favorite rounded toe nude heels?

    • Angela Lanter

      Oh shoot! Sorry, Katie, I haven’t purchased any nude round toe heels recently to have a good recommendation…

  • Kira Candie Stevens

    I live for a good heel but pointed toe doesn’t work for me . I love a rounded or square more beacause of the shape of my feet . I think if you find a heel or sandle that makes your feet look pretty it will help the legs as well. Nothing worse then looking down and your toes are squished , hanging off the shoe ,or made to look weirdly shaped. So don’t just go for what looks good on others do what’s best for your feet shape and size .

    • Angela Lanter

      I agree! And nothing worse than an uncomfortable shoe!!

  • Victoria

    Those are terrific tips. Do you have any go-to items or products for exfoliating your legs?

  • Yes! About exfoliating. I actually don’t feel truly clean if I haven’t used my scrub gloves in the shower.
    As far as having my legs feel like butter-all natural raw African shea butter. You get it from a Korean or urban hair supply store. You will be soft until your next shower. I got so many friends tryin it. It heals dry skin underneath the surface. Costs no more than $5.
    I do need to get back to my calf exercises since my legs are thinner. Fortunately my calves are prominent. As I am already a mocha color? I can pass on the game tan. Sun does me well.?

    • Angela Lanter

      Such a great tip!! I need to pick up some shea butter now!

  • Brittany Blackburn

    Terrific tips! I use men’s razors solely for the reason you stated! I also walk every chance I get, choose stairs over elevators and park far away from stores (saves time looking for a parking space too!) This look is cute! I love your heels!

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