Neiman Marcus Christmas Cookies Recipe

Neiman Marcus Christmas Cookies Recipe

Today on my Instagram Stories, I’m doing a super fun Christmas time collab…  A Christmas Cookies Swap!  I’m teaming up with three amazing ladies and we’re each sharing one of our favorite holiday sweet treats with y’all.  First off, let me introduce you to my partners in crime for today’s collab:

I love following each of these ladies for fashion, design and just life-in-general inspiration!

Neiman Marcus Christmas Cookies Recipe

Now for the recipe!  I’ve been baking Neiman Marcus cookies every Christmas with my mom since I was probably in third grade.  The story about Neiman Marcus cookies and the recipe itself started circulating like a chain letter back in the 1990’s.  Go check out my Instagram Stories to hear the reader’s digest version of the recipe story.

My mom gets together every Christmas and bakes hundreds of Christmas cookies with her girlfriends.  I started joining their cookie swap party when I was a teenager and always had a great time.  They would divvy up the cookies so they each got a variety of all sorts of cookies to enjoy and give out to their loved ones.

Since I live in LA and spend the holidays here, there aren’t many people to give out cookies to or even bake with, since all of our friends travel for the holidays.  I thought it’d be fun to create a virtual Christmas Cookie party to share my baking experience with and share one of my favorite holiday recipes.  Check out my Mawmaw’s insane fudge recipe here.

Neiman Marcus Christmas Cookies Recipe

Angela Lanter Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe

[ultimate-recipe id=”16406″ template=”default”]

Neiman Marcus Christmas Cookies Recipe

  • 5 cups blended oatmeal
  • 2 cups butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 4 egg
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 4 cups all purpose flower
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cups chopped walnuts
  • 1 bag milk chocolate chips (24 oz bag)
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 8 oz Hershey Bar (grated)
  1. Blend oatmeal to a powder consistency.
  2. Cream butter, sugar and brown sugar. Add in eggs and vanilla.
  3. Combine flour, oatmeal, salt, baking soda and baking powder in a separate bowl.
  4. Slowly combine dry ingredient mixture with the butter and egg mixture.
  5. Add in chopped nuts and chocolate chips.
  6. Roll cookies into balls a little smaller than golf-ball size. Place on cookie sheet approx. 2″ apart.
  7. Bake at 375˚ for 8-10 minutes. Check at 8 minutes to see if done, cookies will continue to bake on the pan for about 2 minutes after removing from oven. Allow them to sit on pans for a couple minutes before moving to baking racks to cool.


Cookies, Deserts

1920 1065 Angela Lanter
  • Hello Angela! My name is Holly and I am a Canadian fan of yours, from a small city known as Niagara Falls, Ontario. I am 24 years old, and currently pursuing a career in nursing. I have already completed University and have a degree in Public Health. Anyways, I first discovered your husband on a TV series known as “Star Crossed”, then on my Youtube home page a video came up of you and Matt Lanter and you were doing his make up. I thought this was a great video, it made me laugh, and from then on I started following your YouTube channel. I find you very inspirational and your daughter is the cutest, she looks like a combination of both you and Matt. Your videos really brighten up my day. šŸ™‚ Just a little about my background…I am in College right now to become a registered practical nurse! This has been a dream of mine since I was about 5 years old, and I received my first doctors cart for Christmas. šŸ™‚ Although school is tough and stressful at times I continue to persevere and try my best to stay positive (your videos help me to feel more happy and uplifted as well, thank you for that!). I am sure you hear these same things from a ton of your fans, but it would mean so much to hear from you! I know you are extremely busy with your career, but even just a hello would be so amazing!!! šŸ™‚
    You are my first YouTube figure that I am getting in touch with, so for all it’s worth I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the best in the new year 2019.
    Take care,
    PS: I am going to try and bake your cookies for Christmas, that I saw on your Instagram today. They look delicious!

    • Angela Lanter

      Hi Holly! I’ve been to Niagra Falls before! I responded to your email as well. šŸ™‚

  • Made these cookies for Santa, thanks Angela! Love your blogs, particularly “hello, baby” which I listened to all throughout my pregnancy!

    • Angela Lanter

      Yay! So happy you liked the recipe!
      I’m so glad to have you here and sharing this journey with me. Have you joined my Facebook group yet? It’s Gorgeous Girls Community. šŸ™‚

  • Brittany Blackburn

    Yummy! I made Nutter Butter Reindeers with my nephews!

  • Angie Chappell

    This recipe don’t tell how many it makes.

  • Yvonne Gaitan

    I just subscribed and I would love to have that Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe and the Nutty Butter Reindeer Recipe.

    • Angela Lanter

      Adding the MN recipe now! We’re not quite sure how it disappeared!

  • Hi the recipe says baking powder and baking soda but in the ingredients one of them is missing. Iā€™m gonna guesstimate but just for future user it might be helpful šŸ™‚

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