GTT: What I Learned This Month: August

GTT: What I Learned This Month: August

What I learned this month August 2018 Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous What I learned this month August 2018 Angela Lanter Hello GorgeousWhat I learned this month August 2018 Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous What I learned this month August 2018 Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

Last month I rounded up July with this post, sharing the three things I learned that month.  Y’all seemed to really enjoy it, so I decided to wrap up August with a similar style post.  I had originally schedule to post this, but NYFW and all that madness happened which is why it’s so delayed.

I’m in such an interesting season of life right now.  I’m watching MacKenlee learn something new every day and, in turn, learning new things right along with her.  This past month with her as been a bit of a turning point for us.  Up until she was six months old, she required a lot.  Like so much attention and eyes had to be on her every moment she was awake.  That hasn’t changed dramatically, but what has changed is she is now at the age where she is entertaining herself for short spurts of time.  This bouncer keeps her occupied with all the fun lights and sounds.  This walker has been a favorite of hers the past couple weeks and she’s walking herself all over the house.  It makes my heart ache seeing how fast she’s growing and changing.

The need to rest is real.

If you caught this Girl Talk Tuesday post then you know I challenged myself and my Gorgeous Girls to make time daily to rest.  We live in such a busy world that it’s become hard for us to unplug.  When was the last time you were alone with your spouse or your thoughts with zero technology?

One of my favorite ways to rest is to get lost in a great book.  If you haven’t already, think about joining our Hello Gorgeous Book Club on Facebook.  We just wrapped our August book, “All We Ever Wanted” by Emily Giffin and for September, we’re reading Rachel Hollis’s, “Girl Wash Your Face.”  We have a fun community of women where we can all connect and chat about our common lover for reading.

Never stop learning.

Every spare moment I have, I spend feeding my soul.  I try to find time daily to listen to podcasts or non-fiction books.  Read this older post for some of my podcast suggestions.  Recently, I’ve really been enjoying Steven Furtick’s sermons.

My skin will not take care of itself.

I’ve listened to my mom talk about the importance of skincare my whole life.  Mawmaw always warned me to stay out of the sun and especially out of those derned sun beds (tanning beds)…  But I didn’t listen.  I worked at a tanning salon throughout high school and college and I was nicknamed, “Malibu Barbie” for my tan.  So. DUMB.  Why do we think we’re invincible when we’re young?  I never believed that what I did to my skin then would affect my skin now… WRONG.

Now, I’m spending my 30’s trying to undo all that dang sun damage.  I’ve been testing out some new products, brands and a new routine and y’all…  My skin is soaking up all the TLC.  It’s amazing the difference I’m seeing in my skin, especially my décolleté.  I’ve challenged myself to do this new routine for 30 consecutive days.  If I continue to see great results, then I plan to film a video.

What did you learn the past month?  I love learning things through you too!

PS- watch my review of my Gucci belt in this YouTube video.



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  • Caroline Tomlinson

    Angela, first, I love you!
    You are a beautiful, inspiring, and godly woman! I am a Christian, and I was so thrilled to find out you are too (Praise Jesus)! I love you blog. I also love fashion, and I so appreciate all of your fashion posts and incite! I’m also 6’1″….I would love it if you could compile a “tall girl” fashion post. I love all the heels you wear, but honestly I rarely sport heels other than at church. I would love some “flats” outfit ideas!

    Much Love!


    • Angela Lanter

      Caroline! You’re are too sweet. Honestly, your words mean more than you know. I love wearing flats, I have a lot of looks with Hunters and Uggs. 🙂

  • Brittany Blackburn

    One of my sisters is a dental hygienist & I’ve learned that I can brush with a gingivitis fighting toothpaste (it’s not harmful if you have healthy gums) in the morning & a whitening toothpaste at night! So I have 2 toothpastes in my drawer! ?

  • Michele Dumonseau

    This post is awesome! I’m doing new things in my life based on your videos so thank you! I’m a single mom of two amazing kids (18 & 13) who are my world and rest for myself doesn’t happen as often as it probably should. But I’ve started taking more time at night and working in some face products to hopefully keep from looking the 43 that I am. I also have to say I am in love with the laundry soap and dryer balls you discussed in an Amazon faves! I just love your positive vibes you are putting out into the world.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Michele! Girl, isn’t Glamorous Wash AMAZING?!?
      I’m so happy to hear that you’re making time for yourself. That’s something that you’ll never regret doing. 🙂

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