November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness

November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness

November Challenge: 30 Days of ThankfulnessNovember Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness November Challenge: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Every November in the U.S. (October in Canada) we celebrate Thanksgiving.  For many years, Thanksgiving was a day full of food, family and most importantly, a long weekend off of school for me.  Don’t get me wrong, I was raised to have a thankful heart for everything I’ve ever been given.  But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the importance of daily thankfulness.  When I purpose to take a moment each day and inventory all the good I been blessed with in my life, it always changes my attitude and improves my mood.  A heart overflowing with thankfulness is a joyful heart.

I challenge you today, to join with me in this Thankfulness Challenge that I began on my Hello Gorgeous Facebook page.  You can do it privately, by just taking a few moments every day to mentally assess one thing or person you’re grateful to have in your life.  Or you can join me on Facebook and comment along with my post each day.  You can also share my daily posts to your own personal Facebook page to share with your family and friends.  However you’d like to join in!

In the current climate of negativity that is so overwhelming on social media, I wanted to create a space each day where I can post something positive.  I’m hoping to encourage my Gorgeous Fam to do the same.  I can’t control what others post or comment, but I can be different.  I can be positive and I can be thankful.  And you can too.  I hope you choose to join me on this journey of thankfulness.  Let’s kick it off by commenting below with what you are thankful for today.

Just a couple things about this look…  Which, I gotta say, is the perfect Fall outfit.  I meannnn, am I not right?!

You probably recognize these killer over-the-knee boots from this Instagram post.  I had so many of you ask if they were actually comfortable to wear.  The answer is a big, fat Y.E.S!  The heel is 3.5″ but the chunkiness of the heel is what makes them so easy to walk or stand in.  The quality is great too.  If you struggle with OTK boots being too large in the knee/thigh area, these are great because they tie in the back, allowing for a better fit.  The price tag is amazing at under $130.  I also own this pair, with a zip closure, that are under $100.  Both pairs are awesome dupes for the oh-so-coveted Stuart Weitzman’s that return every year.

This sweater color is everything for Fall.  I saw a segment on the Today Show this morning talking about this gorgeous rust color.  They referred to this shade as “Pumpkin Spice” and that just made me happy.  It’s so fitting for this time of year.  This beautiful turtleneck sweater also comes in “Forrest Green.”

The last thing I want to touch on is my nail polish.  I saw a pin on Pinterest a few weeks ago branding this shade as the perfect Fall nail color.  I immediately had to get my hands on a bottle.  And girl, let me just tell you, this polish did not disappoint me.  I’m basically obsessed.  This polish is Essie’s “Angora Cardi and it’s hands down my favorite nail color for Fall.

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Photos by Kara Coleen

1282 1920 Angela Lanter
  • Sheridan

    Love this! All of the negativity on social media these days is just so sad. I’m thankful for family & good friends! 🙂

  • Love this idea of 30 days of thankfulness! And you look gorgeous in this outfit Angela!

  • Aisha Muhammed Ali

    The pictures are so beautiful, I love the colors. You are so right, we human beings should be happy and thankful for everything and most of all that we have food and water and a home to live in, a roof over our head and a bed to sleep in and we live in a country without war. Thease things are the most important things to be thankful for. I am kurd from Iraq and I am always thankful that kind people have let me in to Their country so I can live in peace and have a good life.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks Aisha! I love hearing that you’re reading my blog all the way from Iraq! xoxo

  • Love the positivity you’re creating!! I’m thankful that my bestfriend came home for the weekend and that i got to see her!!! 🙂

  • I’m thankful for my job. It’s not the job I want to have for the rest of my life, and the hours are long and stressful, but it allows be to be passionate about something and be focused every day. I’m thankful that I get to know that feeling and my job gives me that.

    • Angela Lanter

      Great thing to be thankful for! So many people forget to be thankful for the job that they currently have when they’re not in their exact dream job. I love that you know that this is just your position for this season. 🙂

  • I love that you created this challenge. I did a similar thing with some fellow bloggers on my blog called #TheThankfulChallenge. I agree, there is so much negativity out there now with social media and the election and everything. I wanted to encourage my readers to remember all they have to be thankful for, such a great idea not only now but year round!

    Also I love this look. I wish I could wear heels but being 5 foot 11 inches they just aren’t my jam. I need to try this nail color though, it’s gorgeous!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks Emily! We need more positivity on the internet for sure!

  • Sylwia Faal

    Wow another amazing post. Love your outfit it’s so warm and you look radiant ??. Am not from US am Polish but I love this idea. What am thankful is for my kids they are my life my husband He support me in good and bad situations always know what to say to make me feel better . Am thankful for whole my family my job all my friends for all people that I meet in my life this good and bad one they teach me what is important in life . And I am very grateful for You Angela.I am very happy that I have found you .I said once you have changed my life and it’s true you changed me outside and open my eyes for so many things gave me more confidence make me more calm and closer to God than I been before. I have lost my sister many years ago.She had blod cancer for few years. Firstly i was mad at God cause i didnt understand why this happened but then later my eyes open and I realise that God took her to better place and she will never suffer and that He have a plan for all of us and am sure God help me somehow to find you to help me in a way and thats whats happend.As I said before seeing you so open to us so friendly it means a lot . All your post they going straight to the heart because you are so natural so real and it’s beautiful.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks so much, Sylwia! It sounds like you have some awesome people in your life to be thankful for! 🙂
      Oh my gosh, your sweet compliment means so much to me! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and also to share your experience with me!
      God bless! xoxo

  • Corinth Suarez

    Super love the sweater!!! Too bad it’s not available on Nordstrom anymore! Anyway, this is a great idea! I might try to do this personally! There’s so much to be thankful for!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks, Corinth!
      Oh poo, you’re right! The sweater was fully in stock when I posted this! 🙁

  • I am thankful for my family and friends! I love the Essie Angora Cardi polish you posted a pic of on facebook couple weeks ago. I looked around at my walmart and target and cant seem to find it. What other stores might carry that color? It is a beautiful color and you had me curious to try it for myself.

    • Angela Lanter

      Isn’t it a great Fall nail color?! I had the exact same problem and could only find it online!
      Here’s where I found it:

  • Debbie Savage

    Thank you for speaking from your heart! It is refreshing to read a fashion post that goes deeper. I will take this challenge and have a heart of thanksgiving this entire month! No, more complaining from my lips about anything! Thanks for the inspo!
    xo Debbie |

    • Angela Lanter

      Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for your kinds words! I hope that others feel the same as you when they visit Hello Gorgeous. 🙂

  • that fun photos, they both look to be having a good time!!

  • Brittany Blackburn

    Love this! I’m in!

  • Beequeen Hair

    So good. thanks for your sharing

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