Kenny just turned six. SIX YEARS OLD! So I thought a fun way to kick off her birthday would be a birthday door decoration.
Birthday decorations are one of my favorite things to plan and create.
It just makes my heart happy to create a fun kids party, or any party in general. I think I’m a hostess at heart. I love to host and I love to connect people.
Okay, back to our birth door decoration. I knew I didn’t want a cheesy door cover to be what she woke up to. I also knew that I didn’t want to disturb her sleep, so the perfect solution was to come up with door decorations from the exterior of her room.
So, to Pinterest I went.
I saw some photos of balloons on the outside of a bedroom door held in place by crepe paper streamers and I knew she would love it.
Here’s how our birthday door decoration idea turned out…

I was totally right, Kenny LOVED it! It didn’t take much time at all to do.
It was pretty easy to create, but I 1000% recommended buying an electric balloon pump machine to help you blow up the balloons. We purchased the Inflation Station balloon pump from Party City, but I would recommend saving some money and purchase this balloon pump from Amazon based on the reviews and the amount of stars received.

If you want to wish your little one a happy birthday when they open their bedroom door, then this sweet idea is definitely for you.
Here’s a round up of the items you’ll need to recreate this birthday door decoration on your own. Give yourself about 10 minutes to create the door itself and however long it takes you to blow up the balloons beforehand.

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