First and foremost, welcome to the new Hello Gorgeous! I hope you love the new website. Please leave your feedback (both positive and constructive criticism welcome!) in the comments below. I’d love to know if y’all think anything needs tweaked. Now on to Girl Talk Tuesday.
This past Sunday we celebrated my first Mother’s Day. This day was always a day that was spent honoring my mom and Mawmaw, but last year, it took on a whole new meaning for me. Mother’s Day weekend 2017, we found out we were expecting our sweet angel baby. It was also the weekend that Timeless was cancelled and then picked up again for Season Two. Talk about an emotion-filled weekend. So. Many. EMOTIONS.
Fast forward one year and my first Mother’s Day left me reflecting on all the things. What kind of mom do I want to be? How do I balance our crazy life while making my marriage and new baby my primary focus, all while running a business? How can I be sure that I’m making the best parenting choices for MacKenlee? My questions could go on and on probably forever, and I’ll never have all the answers. Guess what? I’m not supposed to have all the answers. Parenting is similar to every other role God has given me in life, there are no true rules, you just look at each new as a fresh, new start and you do your best.
I’m brand new to this crazy thing called motherhood and already it’s my most rewarding job yet. Just let me say though, it is truly hard work. There are days that leave me begging God for patience. There are missed naps, days full of tears (mine and hers), piles of dirty laundry and almost always a sink full of dishes. None of that matters, because there’s always tomorrow. The days can feel oh-so-long, but the years really are short. There are days I’m watching the clock for bedtime, because I just need the day to be over. But every morning, I find myself watching the clock and the monitor, excited to see my sweet girl. His mercies are new every morning. Each day I wake up with a refreshed spirit, ready to start my day with the sweetest baby smiles and a fresh cup of coffee with my hubby.
My goal this first year of motherhood is to remain present. To soak up every moment, every cuddle and every smile, because these babies grow so fast. I want to give myself grace in those moments of frustration. Also, to know that I am enough, that I’m doing my best, and to stop comparing myself to every other mom I see. We so often hear and say that every baby/kid is different, well so are we mamas. We live in a day where internet is king. Let’s be sure to steer clear of the mom shaming, whether saying out loud or typing the words, or even thinking them, and instead look to encourage each other. I want so much to be a shining light in this dark world, so I have to be careful to guard this little light of mine.
Please comment below with your best piece of advice for this new mama. I hope you had a relaxing and peaceful Mother’s Day with the ones you love.
The picture with both of you face to face and smiling is absolutely adorable. It is a pose I have never seen before, and it shows you in your daughter’s face and smile.