Life and Bump Update – Third Trimester

Life and Bump Update – Third Trimester

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

ASOS maternity sweater third trimester Angela Lanter Hello Gorgeous

Sweater: H&M ($19) |  Jeans: Paige [c/o] | Handbag: Senreve Maestra Bag [c/o] | Boots: Kristin Cavallari

I have less than a month until my due date.  My head is spinning y’all.  How did the time fly by this fast?!  I’ve had about a million (not really) people ask me if I’m so ready to have this baby…  Here’s the thing, I’m not.  I’m perfectly content with where she’s at.  It’s the one time in life that I know without a doubt where she’s at, at all times lol.  Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be more excited to meet her, but I want to meet her in God’s perfect timing, so she can stay cooking as long as she needs to.

My apologies for the lack of blog posts lately, life has been more than a little crazy.  I’ve been updating my Instagram every day and keeping you up to speed about what’s happening in my life there.  I also uploaded a new YouTube video this past week, so if you missed it, head over and check out my winter morning skincare routine.

This past week’s episode of Hello Bump went live: Episode 25: Week 31. We Teach Breech.  Matt and I find out that baby girl is officially in breech position and what that means for our birth plan.  I gotta be honest, I was so disappointed when I realized that she was breech.  I always envisioned a vaginal delivery and never dreamt I’d have to be a candidate for a c-section.  I don’t fear a c-section because of the surgery involved, I fear it because my doctor and I want to avoid the additional scar tissue to my abdomen.  If you’ve read my endometriosis story, then you know I’ve already had two laparoscopies.  Now that I’ve had a couple different ultrasounds, tried every homeopathic breech remedy out there and talked to tons of people, I’ve come to accept this has my birth plan.  If she turns, I’m going to have to reprogram my brain again, lol.

This morning, Episode 26: Week 32. The Dreams went live.  In this week’s episode, we chat about our maternity photo shoot and prep for Thanksgiving.

We’ve had a busy past couple of weeks with Matt’s Timeless schedule, family visiting, my LA baby shower, Christmas cards and Christmas prep.  As we get closer to Christmas, life is starting to slow down…  Thank goodness.  I need some quiet time with my feet propped up by the fire while we watch Christmas movies.

Now for the nursery…  I’m still trying to finalize my decisions.  Y’all, I still haven’t made a decision on that dang wall!  We did paint it a gorgeous shade of grey that looks so nice with the white trim.  Matt painted the floor lamp and installed the chandelier.  We have the crib and dresser/changing table in place.  The first rug I ordered just wasn’t the right fit, so we sent it back.  I ordered a second rug and it’s on backorder until the beginning of January, and so I also ordered a third rug option.  Our glider and ottoman are scheduled to arrive this week from Monte Design and I can’t wait to see them!  Our crib bedding and drapes are being finalized hopefully early this week.  It’s so exciting to see it all come together.

I’ll be posting a full nursery tour once the room finally is finished.  Leave a comment below and let me know if you’d rather see a tour on my YouTube Channel or on the blog.

1300 867 Angela Lanter
  • Holy cow, where has the time gone to? I swear I was just listening to your podcasts at work during the summer.

    • Angela Lanter

      I know! I can’t believe we’re so close to meeting her already!

  • Looking great mama! Don’t worry too much about her being breach still. She still has an entire month to move around! So excited to see little miss whenever and however you decide to present her to the online world. Can’t wait for Timeless to begin as well! Enjoy your final month being pregnant. You hit the nail on the head with your comment about knowing where she is at all times. I hate letting my little guy out of my sight!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Jen! Unfortunately, she isn’t moving so c-section it is for us!

  • Tempi Briggs

    You guys really need to do a podcast after she’s born called Hello Parenthood. You can’t leave us after the birth. We need to hear all the stories and experiences of being new parents.

  • Michelle Johnson

    Thank you for the update! I would love to see the nursery tour on your blog! I was just thinking the other day after viewing your insta story…how did almost 9 months go so fast??!! I feel like you just told us you were pregnant! Can’t wait to see how gorgeous she is!

  • Welcome back! I figured with the filming (so excited for Season 2)the podcasts would be a tad behind. Patient is a virtue. Most important is that your family is all good. Us gorgeous girls can wait. Am I missing where episode 21-24 are?

  • Welcome back! I figured with the filming (so excited for Season 2)the podcasts would be a tad behind. Patient is a virtue. Most important is that your family is all good. Us gorgeous girls can wait. Am I missing where episode 21-24 are?

    Listening while I prepare a gift for Miss Lanter, from one book lover to another

  • Emily @ Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt

    Sounds like you’re having a great third trimester! I understand having your birth plan change, I very much wanted to try and go without the epidural but ended up having to be induced because my little girl was staying put and we got to the point where the risks got greater for her being in there too long so I was induced, had the epidural and honestly it went so much better than I could have imagined. Hopefully your sweet baby will turn so you can avoid the c-section but I’m glad you’re good with it if that’s not how things go. I’ve heard the best thing is to get up and walk as soon as possible if you have to have a c section.

    I can’t wait to see your nursery reveal! We had so much fun decorating my daughter’s nursery! I shared it on my blog if you want to see!

    Anyways, I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes so smoothly and you have a wonderful labor/delivery!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you so much, Emily! Love that you had a great birth experience!! 🙂

  • Rachel Taylor

    A blogpost makes it easier to pin nursery ideas, so that’s my vote!

  • Ashley Robertson

    Hi Angela!

    I can’t believe she is coming so soon! Your nursery is going to look adorable, I have no doubts. How exciting!

    xx, Ashley |

  • Catherine

    I’d love to see a tour of the nursery on YouTube, instead of a blog post about it! 🙂 <3

  • Brittany Blackburn

    Nursery tour either place is great with me! So excited to see pictures of your sweet girl! ???

  • Tabitha Black

    Just remember that not a single birth plan goes as planned. Prayers and letting your body handle it, there must be a reason your little one is breach. Wishing you guys a wonderful labor/delivery and can’t wait to see baby girl Lanter!

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