VIDEO: Mermaid Braid Tutorial

VIDEO: Mermaid Braid Tutorial

What girl doesn’t dream about being a mermaid?  I know it’s just a fantasy, but having Mermaid-esque hair is absolutely attainable!
I posted this photo last year on my Instagram account and had so many requests for a tutorial…  So I finally gave in and shared this super fun braiding technique with my Gorgeous Girls!
Watch this video to see how easy this technique is…  It may take a few practices to get it perfect, but once you get the technique down pat, you’re all set!  🙂
|| W E A R I N G ||
Shirt || Forever 21
Earrings || c/o Nissa
Watch || Michael Kors
Bracelet || Similar here
Temp Tattoos || Similar here
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  • Lindsay Ava

    This braid is stunning! I can´t believe how much easier it is than I thought, definitely need to practice and try it one day! Would love to see more easy cute hairstyles for Summer 🙂

    • AngelaLanter

      Thanks Lindsay! So easy once you get the hang of it! 🙂

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