Oh Twodles! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party

Oh Twodles! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party

Kenny girl turned two on New Year’s Eve Eve.  How in hades is she already TWO?  I don’t even know.

Last year, we were in LA and all of our friends were out of town for the holidays.  We decided to skip a first birthday party and I still have major mom guilt over that decision.

This year, we’re in Ohio with friends and family, so it was the perfect time to host a Kenny girl celebration.

If you watch my Instagram Stories, you’re very aware of Kenny’s obsession with Mickey Mouse.  There’s nothing more exciting in our toddler’s world than a good hot dog dance from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  We knew we had to have an Oh Twodles party for her second birthday.


oh the drama


What’s a celebration without drama?  I decided to throw this party exactly one week prior.  That’s not much time to get it all together for almost 50 guests.  First thing I did was call up Cake Wasted, who made my baby shower cake.  Debbie, from Cake Wasted, connected me with Carrie from Bombshell Cookies.  I knew I was in good hands with both of these ladies.  I then hired a party planner to handle decor since I had only one week with Christmas in between and family coming in town to visit.

All was progressing beautifully until I realized two days before the party that my event planner was ghosting me.  Finally, I received a text at 3:00 the day before the party that she would not be able to handle the party and I went into full-on freak out mode.  I dropped everything and ran straight to Party City.  I then headed to every other store in my area who may possibly carry even one single Mickey Mouse related item.  I was a mama on a mission.

Somehow, some way, we pulled it all together.  My mom made chocolate dipped Mickey rice krispie treats.  We created Mickey heads using double-stuffed Oreos and mini oreos for ears.  Mom and I wrapped silverware.  I recreated a centerpiece I found on Pinterest.  Our family helped inflate over 100 balloons to build a balloon arch.  Matt and Crystal painted letters and numbers.  My dad painted Mickey heads.  We did all the things and did them fast.

I’ve received a ton of DMs and comments asking to see these photos already, so let’s get to it…


welcome to the clubhouse


We hosted the party at Akron Artworks.  If you’re in the Akron area, this is a great venue for kids of all ages.  The big kids got to hang in the splatter room and got to create their own splatter art.  The little kids painted their own canvas version of Mickey as well as rocks.  All of the kids had a blast!  We had this sign outside the studio to welcome our Mousketeers.


Oh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeous


Once inside, we had a cute little station to grab your own Mickey or Minnie ears to wear for the party.  I bought these ears from Amazon.  20 pairs for only $9.99!  My print is from Etsy.  I printed it at Walgreens in 16×20 and used a frame from my living room gallery wall.


Oh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeous


Now comes the good stuff.  Our dessert table.  Honestly, I took so much inspiration from Pinterest that barely any of it was my own original idea.  You know what?  I don’t even care.  I had 24 hours and it turned out adorable.  The only thing that matters is Kenny had a blast.

Please excuse the mix of beautiful camera quality photos and iPhone photos.  Matt and I were both trying to be in the moment so he snapped what he could on the camera and I snapped what I could on my phone.  This mix of photos is what we had combined.


Oh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeousOh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeousOh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeousOh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeousOh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeousOh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeous


Have you ever seen such an amazing birthday cake?  I mean, C’MON!  And the cookies!  We had a cookie customized as a favor for each kid.  We also had the rice krispie Mickeys to take home.  My mom supplied all of the cake trays and stands.  We used cupcake holders to hold our Oreo Mickeys.

Matt used this balloon arch kit.  He gave it a 5/10 for ease of setup.  It’s super time consuming unless you have a bunch of help.  This balloon pump saved our lives.  I picked up the majority of the Mickey character toys (props) and plates from Dollar General.

Our TWO sign was made from paper mache letters (super cheap!) that Matt and Crystal painted with acrylic craft paint.  Matt made the perfect white buttons by dipping bottle caps in paint.


Oh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeous


For the kids table, I used plastic tablecloths, because, HELLOOOO… Kids.  I used the party favor buckets as silverware containers and wrapped the bright blue forks in red polka dot napkins.  Mom and I secured the napkins with foam star stickers.

I picked up the clear bowl from the Dollar Store and my mom used white round stickers from the office supply store.  She used a red marker to color some red.  We served Mickey shaped veggie chips in it.


Oh Twodles! Kenny's 2nd Birthday Party angela lanter hello gorgeous


The centerpieces were much easier to create than I originally thought they’d be.  My mother-in-law grabbed some tin buckets for me.  I wrapped them in thick red ribbon and secured it with a hot glue gun.  I stuck on the foam star stickers to make it look like Mickey’s trousers.  I filled the tins with floral foam (I hate the feel of that stuff!) and cut tissue paper into squares and inserted into the tin in between the floral foam.  I took the foam stars in different sizes and attached them to dowel rods.  Matt traced Mickey hands on a sheet of white foam, then we cut them out and glued to dowel rods.

The Mickey head was the most challenging part.  I bought foam balls and my dad spray painted them black then rolled them in loose black glitter.  He hung them up with clamps and wire to dry overnight.  I used toothpicks to attach the ears to the head and a dowel rod to stick the head into the foam base.  I added a red bow and voila!  I had my centerpiece.

Kenny’s outfit turned out so perfect.  My brother-in-law, Andrew, owns a printing company called HBGrafix.  Andrew made us matching family shirts.  Kenny wore hers over her Minnie Mouse dress which I found on Amazon for $20.  Her Minnie jelly shoes were another Amazon find for only $8.




The party was a big success.  We served Chick-Fil-A (did you know they deliver to parties?!) as well as salad and pizza.  All were crowd pleasers.  We ended up having about 45 guests and based on what I’ve heard, a great time was had by all.

If you’re planning a Twodles party, I hope this gave you some inspiration.  Even though I was crazy rushed, I had a blast creating everything.  When I have adequate time, I love hosting and putting together a party.  Sometimes I still like to look back at our engagement party that I got super creative with.

Kenny is one blessed little girl to have so many people in her life that love her.


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1300 867 Angela Lanter
  • You did such an amazing job! You might have a new job calling as an event planner. ? What a lucky little girl!! Happy Birthday, Kenny!!

    • I love me some Mickey too! What an awesome job and love the teamwork! Kenny is adorable❤️ Please include ME on A Disney Trip?! Who needed a party planner anywho!!!!

  • Oh my gosh! Y’all did AMAZING!!!! The treats alone are stunning! I’m sure people will be using your 24/hr party crafts for their own Mickey parties! Love it!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Beth! I hope someone gets inspiration from all our work!

  • How amazing!!! Everything looks awesome

  • Katy Henderson

    Such a cute party! Y’all did amazing! And within 24hrs?! Unbelievable! Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Katy! I’m still shocked that we pulled it off!

  • Wow, this looks beyond amazing! You did such a great job!

  • What a party!!!!! Wow!!!! Kenny is blessed to have two wonderful parents you and Matt who put all of this together for her and in such limited time span amazing work. THe photos showed an amazing time and I like how you and Matt wanted to live in the moment and enjoy it well done an Happy Birthday Kenny!!

  • I’m SO impressed! That is an incredible spread but the fact you did it in less than a day is phenomenal! HUGE rounds of applause to all! I’d be stoked to have a party like that, and I’m far older than 2. Great job and Kenny loving it, is the best part 🙂

  • Maddie Bullock

    This is all so cute!! I saw how stressed you seemed to be while planning this, but you did it and it turned out great! Awesome job! ❤️

  • Brittany Blackburn

    This was adorable!

  • I LOVE this party theme – might have to steal it. My 16 month old also loves nothing more than a little hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog dance!

  • OK Win Guide

    What a cute party theme! I love all the vibrant colors and how you’ve incorporated the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse elements. The decorations are absolutely adorable, and I bet the kids had a blast! Thanks for sharing such fun ideas!

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