3 Things I’ve Learned This Month

3 Things I’ve Learned This Month

What I've Learned This Month: July Angela lanter hello gorgeous What I've Learned This Month: July Angela lanter hello gorgeous


Sports BraUnder Armour Every Day Bra  |  Leggings:  Under Armour Favorites Crop  |  Baby PJs: Target  |  Yoga MatYellow Willow

Summa, summa, summa-time.  That’s the song I think of when I think about July ending and August beginning.  I hate to see summer ticking by so fast.  This has always been my favorite season.  There’s just something about that warm night air, ice cream cones, driving with the windows down and, of course, sun kissed skin.

As I reflect on this past month, I thought why not share a few lessons I’ve learned.  The older I get, the more I realize that time is fleeting.  As a kid, time passed so slowly I thought I would die.  I would watch the clock tick so slowly every day, just waiting for class to let out.  As an adult, I find myself begging the clock for a few more hours every single day.  Funny how that works.

As you know, we spent the month of June traveling, so our return home made me realize that Dorothy was on to something with her sparkly red heels…

There really is no place like home.

I craved my own bed after about two weeks on the road. Don’t get me wrong, traveling is wonderful, but there comes a point when you just want to be back in your own space. This is especially true if you’re a homebody like me.

Alright, so I’m not naturally a morning person.  Morning people baffle me.  I’ve never understood how someone can hop out of bed in the morning with a burst of energy and take on the day.  I need time to get moving.  And caffeine.  All the caffeine.  But then I had a baby and realized that I had no choice but to become a morning person.  I walk into the nursery each morning and see our sweet angel full of smiles, my heart just about bursts open with joy.

I’ve learned that a morning well spent sets the tone for the rest of my day.

Here are three things I’ve been purposely doing each morning:

  • Starting my day with devotions.  I use the She Reads Truth app or this devotional because I love my mornings at the beach.  Quiet time fuels my soul.
  • I diffuse Joy essential oil in my kitchen.
  • Drinking water.  Hydration is essential and I find that when I start my day off hydrated, it’s easier to remember to stay on track the rest of my day.

I’ve been practicing nightly yoga for pelvic and back relief.  Girl, I’ve seen such a difference in the short time since I’ve implemented this into my daily life.  If not for any other reason than just a few minutes of “me time,” I think every woman should do yoga regularly.  I just find a video on YouTube for what I need that day and do it at home.  Some days I do yoga twice, other days I barely get it in once.  MacKenlee loves when we do mommy & me yoga together and she serves as one heavy little arm workout, lol.

And my final lesson…

I am my own biggest hurdle in life.

I’ve been trying to stay aware of my inner dialogue, and man, I’m tough on myself.  Tough is the wrong word.  Actually, I’m just plain old mean to myself.  My guess is that you are too.  We women tend to be our own worst critics.  How do we change that?  We stop and listen.  Really listen to what we’re saying to ourselves.  We insult our looks, our weight, our intelligence and so much more.  Would you say those things to another woman?  Absolutely not.  But for some reason, we’re comfortable talking that way to ourselves which is wrong.  So very wrong.  You and I, we’re daughters of the King.  We were fearfully and wonderfully made.  And guess what?  God doesn’t make mistakes.  I encourage you to listen to your self talks this next month and give yourself grace.  Self-love isn’t talked about enough and it’s definitely not practiced enough by most women.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you learned this July.  I’ve gained so much through our conversations and urge you to engage in this community of precious ladies.  We all have more in common than you may think. 🙂

1281 1920 Angela Lanter
  • Diane pramik

    I have a very strenuous job and it seemed like I was just too tired to workout like I know I should . My daughter suggested trying yoga on YouTube . I love it ?. In just a couple of weeks my hips are no longer as tight and I feel like I stand up straighter too . My body loves it ! I’m grateful for learning this in July ❤️

    • Angela Lanter

      Love that yoga has been helping you! It’s so great to stretch our bodies!

  • Thank you so much for this!! We really are our worst critics. I am also the worst at taking time for myself and I’m not a morning person so I tend to skip quiet time when I know it sets the tone for my day. Do you have any specific yoga videos you prefer?

    • Angela Lanter

      Our own WORST critics for sure! I love Boho Beautiful and now Caroline Williams after Rachel recommended her channel to me!

  • Christina R

    I needed to hear this today! I’m 7 weeks post partum and it’s been rough staying patient and positive with myself. I LOVE your suggestions! Definitely going to check out the devo app, and I didn’t even think to try YouTube yoga videos! Thank you so much. I’m so glad I found your blog! I’ve truly enjoyed reading your journey. ?

    • Angela Lanter

      MacKenlee and I both love the mommy & me yoga videos!! Maybe you and your little will too. 🙂

  • Brittany Blackburn

    I’ve learned that we’re really all in this life together in a new way this past month. So grateful & thankful for that.

  • Hi Angela,
    I’m not a mummy or a future mummy but your post talked to me in few things.

    I recently realized too that I was tough with myself. I made a decision to accept me physically and mentally. I’m a good person I think.

    The second thing is the yoga. I also watched a video on YouTube and I started to pratice but the heat wave in Paris these days stopped me.
    I don’t have air conditioner at work and at home and it’s very hard. I drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
    My collegue told me It really important to drink water everyday because more you drink more healthy you are. Our body need water.

    Thank you to share your experience with us I really love reading your posts.

    I’m sorry if I made some mistakes, my English isn’t perfect but if you understand what I write it’s a small victory for me.

    • Angela Lanter

      Hi Audrey! I bet that you’re not just a good person, I bet you’re an incredible woman!
      I hope it cools down soon so you can start yoga.
      PS- your English is great! 🙂

  • You should check out Caroline Williams Yoga! She does beautiful devotional meditations with her routines. I absolutely adore her!

    • Angela Lanter

      Looking her up now, thanks!

    • Angela Lanter

      Okay, so now I love this YouTube channel! Thank you for the recommendation!

  • I loved this post! My life has been so hectic and overwhelming with moving back home across country to Ohio with 3 children. My husband deploying for 9 months leaving me with a 7 month old, and our others starting kindergarten and 1st grade. I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off and it just reminded me that I need to slow down, breathe and make some time for myself to just relax and regroup. I haven’t picked up my Bible since I moved and I feel something in my life missing. Thank you for the reminder. ❤

    • Angela Lanter

      Yay! So happy you liked it!
      Girlfriend, you have your hands full! Have you tried the SheReadsTruth app? I love it!

  • Your sweet girl is just beautiful! But wow, you can definitely tell she is your husband’s daughter! ? I have three boys, and they all look like my husband!

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