OOTD: Ruffled

OOTD: Ruffled

It’s officially Fall, Gorgeous Girls…  Clearly LA hasn’t gotten the memo yet.  It’s going to be 99° this weekend!

Today’s cute little outfit is so very Fall appropriate, complete with a Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha.  Yum! 🙂
I’m loving these high-waist jeans from Dittos this season.  The length is longer than I typically prefer…  But the length actually works for folding perfectly above ankle booties
Stay tuned for a tutorial on this braided hairstyle.  It was so easy to do.  It’s the perfect Fall hairstyle for any occasion at all, especially back-to-school!

|| O U T F I T ||
Sweater || Forever 21 (Sold out!) // love this one from Nordstrom & Urban Outfitters
Jeans || c/o Dittos 
Booties || Target (old) // Love these & these
Cross Ring || c/o Prima Donna (similar) 
Rose Gold Watch || Michael Kors
Handbag || Michael Kors 
Lipstick || Edward Bess Lipstick in “Deep Lust” c/o
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1066 1600 Angela Lanter
  • Anonymous

    You look absolutely stunning! Your look is supercute! 😀 Love everything about it!

  • eileendovr

    I love your makeup here! The blush & lips look great for fall!

  • the townhouse

    LOVE your makeup here! Please could you do a tutorial? 🙂 x

  • 4Karip

    lovely hairstyle! xoxo

    • AngelaLanter

      Thanks! Tutorial will be coming soon!! xo

  • Anonymous

    Love love LOVE this look and everything about it!!Especially your hair!So pretty 🙂

    xo Lisa

    • AngelaLanter

      Thanks Lisa! I'll post a hair tutorial soon! xo

  • Anonymous

    please please please do a tutorial on the hair! it's gorgeous and so are you as usual! I've been following you on youtube and your blog since the beginning:) please keep it up <3

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