DIY: Chalkboard Art

DIY: Chalkboard Art

If you follow me over at Instagram, then you know how much I love to dabble in chalkboard art.  I am by no means as good as a lot of other DIY’ers out there, but I love playing around with chalk!  
Here’s a photo of my latest chalkboard creation:
I freehand all of my writing and drawing.  I usually use Pinterest as inspiration because let’s be real, Pinterest is the best place for inspiration for basically everything.  Although, I freehand and have no amazing tricks to teach you about the actual drawing or writing process, I do have a few other tricks that I’ve learned to help get the most out of your chalk and chalkboard.
Tip & Tricks:

1. Always keep your chalkboard wet while writing or drawing on it.  I keep a damp cloth next to me and constantly wipe down my board in the areas I’m planning to work on to keep it wet.
2. Always keep your chalk wet.  You know how some chalkboards have bright, stark white writing and others have more faded writing?  The bright white is because the artist was using wet chalk!  So keep a cup of water next to use, or use your damp cloth to make sure that your chalk stays damp.
3. Write with your chalk slanted at an angle.  If you’re writing pushing straight down, they pressure will make your chalk break every time.  And that’s just downright annoying.
4. Use your damp cloth to clean up your edges and lines to get a super crisp look to your letters and drawings.
5. Go back over your chalk art once it dried if there’s any spots that look sparse or just need filled in…  Just make sure your chalk is wet!

1600 1200 Angela Lanter
  • Irma Morales

    I love it… addicted to Pinterest im going to def check out your page for sure…..not sure if you have this app already or have heard of it but its kind of like Pinterest except instead of pinning things you luv them and the best part is that if you luv something you can actually buy right off the site its pretty amazing 🙂 Loving your blog I have to catch up im a new subbie of yours and already a huge fan. You have such amazing fashion style and im learing some beauty tricks from ya, def going to give the cream contour a try im a little scared but we will see how it goes….thank you for doing these vidoes and your blog amazing work. xoxoxo Irma M 🙂

    • AngelaLanter

      Thanks Irma! Definitely give the cream contour a try, don't be scared! 🙂

  • Angel V

    Hi Angela, not trying to be too picky but just wanted to let you know in step 3 you wrote "they" instead of "the" I also noticed a grammar mistake but I don't know if you care or not but you can't start a sentence with the word "And" *hides*

  • the townhouse

    A great trick that I've learned is to wipe your board with coke cola/pepsi before you write on it – makes the white really bright! 🙂 Harriet x

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