Valentine’s Day Week! JustWink Review

Valentine’s Day Week! JustWink Review

Well it’s officially Valentine’s Day week!  I love Valentine’s Day, I’ve always loved it.  Even before I was old enough to like boys, my mom always made Valentine’s Day special.
This year, my husband threw me off completely with a totally unexpected [early]  surprise for Valentine’s Day…  I was having one of those rushed days that I couldn’t get everything done I needed to, and my husband was off doing his own thing.  When I finally got home that evening, I was irritated and totally stressed out.  My husband asked me to go get him something out of the office and I basically stomped in their, so annoyed that he was asking me to do one more thing.  After I opened the cabinet that he instructed me to, I found a brand new laptop waiting for me.  I was totally shocked!  And felt so bad for being such a grump haha!  I seriously have the best hubby! 
There have been so many times that I couldn’t find the perfect greeting card that I was looking for and thought to myself that I wish I could just design my own cards.  But who has time for that?  I didn’t until now!  I want to tell you about an awesome new app called justWink.  This is the coolest app that you can design your own greeting cards!  Here’s a cute example: 



You can visit justWink on FacebookTwitter & Pinterest.  You can download the justWink here for free.  Check it out today!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by justWink through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about justWink, all opinions are my own.

150 150 Angela Lanter
  • Anonymous

    Hello Angela! Nice to read your blog, is such an amazing way to spend the time! After reading this post, I think that sometimes we are thinking about the stuff we have or not to do and we don't look what's happening around us, and we are missing lots of magic and fantastic things. So, its nice to see that your husband turn you out to the magic and fantastic reality!
    Hope your week turns to be better than the last one! Lots of love from Spain!

    • AngelaLanter

      Hi Tatiana! Thanks for your sweet words! Thanks so much for reading 🙂 xo

  • Such a cute card. My husband and I had our first unofficial date at an ice cream parlor on Valentine's Day 18 years ago!!! Brings back memories. 😀

    • AngelaLanter

      Hi Jen! That's so fun that Valentine's Day has special meaning for you & your hubby! So many people hate the day from being single, but you have a story about where your love started 🙂 Thanks for reading! xo

  • Anonymous

    You and Matt have such an endless love! How much do you want to see that movie? They have a website and you can post your thoughts on what endless love means to you. It warms my heart hearing the stories about you two. I hope to find someone as great as he is.

    Maura Gripp

    • AngelaLanter

      Hi Maura! I want to see Endless Love SO badly! I've learned that true love is worth waiting for.. And it's on God's time, not ours. So He'll bring you your perfect match when the time is right 🙂 Thanks for reading! xo

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