Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for 6 Different Types of Guys ft. Blair Fowler

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for 6 Different Types of Guys ft. Blair Fowler

To kick off the countdown to Valentine’s Day (we’ve got just over a week left, guys!) my friend, Blair Fowler, and I decided to put together a Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for my gorgeous readers!  In this video, we’re naming 6 different types of guys and giving y’all a “save” gift option (around $50 or less + a couple DIY’s!) and “splurge” options (+$100).  Make sure to watch this fun video we put together and make sure to stop by Blair’s YouTube Channel today as well to watch another video we put together showing you 5 adorable Valentine’s Day recipes!
Products Mentioned In This Video
1. The Sporty Guy
2. The Nerdy Tech Lover
Save: Sports Team USBGuitar USBBeer Bottle USB, and SO many more! 
3. The Artsy Music Lover
Save: Guitar Pick Necklace from EtsyPickBay or even make your own!
Splurge: Crosley Cruiser Turntable + any records they love
4. The Movie Buff
Save: Netflix or Hulu Plus subrscription
Splurge: DVD or Blu Ray Series like Star WarsFull HouseJames BondBoy Meets World 
5. The Professional
Save: Cufflinks or Kinetic Sand 
Splurge: KindleiPad Mini or Samsung Galaxy Tab 
6. The Big Kid
Splurge: GoPro Camera
If you have any video or tutorial requests, or any other videos you’d like to see of Blair & I together, make sure to leave them in the comments section!

And don’t forget to stop by Blair’s YouTube Channel and check out our Valentine’s Day Cooking Video..  It’s so cute!

150 150 Angela Lanter
  • Sarah Jaihe Lee

    I loved the cooking ideas! Thanks for sharing

    • AngelaLanter

      I'm glad you love them! Thanks for reading & watching! xo

  • Melisa

    Thanks for all the ideas, think I might have to buy the GoPro Camera for myself! 🙂 also love your necklace and was wondering where it was from? Xx

    • AngelaLanter

      Hi Melisa! My necklace was a wedding gift I believe from Zales. It was custom made with my initials 🙂 Thanks for reading & watching! xo

  • Jamie Fleetwood

    Thanks for the ideas, ladies! I'm heading back to Sweden ON Valentines day and was struggling to pick the perfect gift for my Swede! Time is running out, so thanks for saving me! xo

    • AngelaLanter

      Hi Jamie! I hope this helped you!! Thanks for watching! xo

  • I'm so getting my guy the nike fuel band! Sorry I'm creeping all over your blog and videos haha I just saw this the cooking ideas on Blair's channel and had to immediately come follow your blog and subscribe to your youtube 🙂

    • AngelaLanter

      I love that you're reading and watching everything!!! Thanks for subscribing!! xo

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