racer back and cut-offs

Too many to list them all! Thanks for reading!
Hi, Angela!
Thank you that you publish new posts every day! It's really inspiring!
I just recently discovered you, as a blogger, and I am very happy!
The pictures are very good, you're so beautiful, and your husband is a very great photographer as a professional.
I really like your accessories, they are so stylish! And I love that you use, accessible to all clothing. It's cool!
Angela, can I ask you a question? Could you write a little bit about your personal life? How do you live in Nola, easy to move and where do you live now? I loved it when you did something for the home. For example, on the 4th of July or 14th of February. I tried to do it myself.
And could you write another post about your beautiful wedding, where you look like a queen? I just died when I read a post about the wedding dress!
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Hi there! My blog is for fashion, beauty, recipes, etc.. So there won't be any personal blogposts any time soon. Thanks for reading!
I love the jeans they look so super cool!! You should really be a model, if you are not already!! Your husband is fantastic photgrapher. <3
Aww thanks! I really have the best hubby! Thanks for reading
I need you to teach me how to do my make up so it looks like yours!
I might start to dabble in some tutorial videos soon.. We'll see!
Comments are closed.
What other tops do you own from foreign exchange??