My One Year of Lexapro Story

My One Year of Lexapro Story

My Lexapro story after one full year of taking this medication.  This is a Lexapro success story, so if you’re looking for Lexapro positive reviews, you’re in luck. ??

I chronicled my first time taking Lexapro as a treatment for my PPD, and the side effects I experienced after I started taking it. Keep reading to hear my whole story.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since the darkest days of my life.

If you are new to Hello Gorgeous, here are some resources recalling my journey over the past year:

1- My very real struggle with postpartum depression/post-weaning anxiety.  (May 2019)

2- Postpartum depression and anxiety update.  (August 2019)

I’ve lost count of the sweet mamas who have reached out to me over the past year who were also experiencing PPD or post-weaning depression.  Many of you have also had great Lexapro success as well, which makes me so happy to hear.

Most of these mamas found me from my YouTube video or blog posts opening up about my journey.  Also, since this post, a lot of moms have found me from this interview that I did with Parents Magazine.

In the midst of a storm, we’re so blinded by the pain that we can’t see the bigger picture.  I can now see that God is allowing me to reach other women through this experience and let them know that they’re not alone in their experience, and especially in their suffering.

As I discussed in previous posts, one of the biggest fears I had was going on antidepressants for my mental health.

Truthfully, I believed I would be off of them by now and I’m not.  And guess what?  I’m not ashamed of it.  This is a judgment-free zone, so take heart in knowing that. Mental illness requires zero judgment.

I’m here to share my experience with Lexapro after one year of taking it daily.  Because, quite honestly, Lexapro saved my life.

Here are more posts you may also like to read…

How I Am Weaning Off Antidepressants Naturally

My Very Real Struggle With Postpartum Depression

GTT: My Postpartum Depression And Anxiety Update

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side effects

The term, “Side Effect” traditionally relates to undesirable effects, but not always. 

My biggest side effect?  Sleep. 

There are still nights (like last night) where my sleep just plain sucks.  But, that’s to be expected. 

Lexapro is not a sleep aide, it’s an antidepressant.  But overall, my sleep is back on track to where it should be for the most part.

However, I recently read that Lexapro can sometimes be prescribed for insomnia, which makes sense to me.

Another AWESOME side effect? NO MIGRAINES! 

Honestly, this is the only reason I’m still taking it.  I haven’t experienced a true migraine in over a year and it’s been the biggest blessing ever. 

I am the type of migraine sufferer who gets an aura, blinding pain then a headache hangover the next day.  Migraines generally make me feel like trash for at least two days. 

The realization that I’ve lost zero days this past year to nausea-inducing splitting head pain is overwhelming.

Some things I have noticed that I personally believe are related to Lexapro:

  • PMS.  I’ve always been a very easygoing, generally happy person.  Around my period, I find myself having a very short fuse, I’m easily irritated and I get angry quickly.  I’ve never suffered from PMS until starting this medication.
  • Weight gain.  I’ve noticed about a 6 lb. weight gain that doesn’t seem to shift much, which I’ve never had before.  Truthfully, I believe that this is related to the meds.
  • Strange periods.  I have endometriosis, so I’m no stranger to weird periods, horrible cramps, etc.  Since starting Lexapro, my cramps on day one are pretty bad, but manageable.  It’s the spotting for several days before my period begins that’s so annoying.  The reason I believe that this is related to the meds is because I’ve never dealt with spotting prior.
  • Heavy periods.  I used to deal with these back in high school, so again, not a stranger to them.  But I haven’t had them for years and didn’t experience them until the Lexapro.
  • Vivid dreams.  Not a bad side effect at all, because my dreams have never been nightmares.  They just remind me of pregnancy dreams all over again.
  • Floaters.  I have decent vision.  I’ve had reading glasses but rarely even reach for them because my prescription is so light.  I still find myself experiencing floaters in my vision some days, and those are usually the days I get bad sleep the night before.

Overall, I personally have had a great experience with this medication.  In my opinion, Lexapro is amazing.

Antidepressants were something I was so scared to try.  To be honest, the first couple of weeks were gnarly.  But, once I got over that initial hump, I slowly became myself again. 

Eventually, I got my life and my personality back.  Honestly, I don’t feel that it’s changed my personality at all. 

I don’t ever feel zoned out or overly passive.  I just feel like me.  Granted, I am on a very small dose.

Now, I’m ready to wean down to a half dose, but I’m not ready to come off completely. 

I love not having migraines so much, it’s hard for me to give it up.  Otherwise, I would already be off of it. 

This post obviously isn’t sponsored and not intended to provide medical advice.  It’s simply my experience to date and hopefully will give you some insight if you find yourself battling postpartum or post-weaning depression and/or anxiety. 

If you are in that boat, talk to your doctor.  You are not alone, there is help available. 

Do NOT suffer like I did.  Your husband, your baby and most importantly, you, deserve better.

Could you relate to my Lexapro Story?  Here are more posts you may also like to read…

How I Am Weaning Off Antidepressants Naturally

My Very Real Struggle With Postpartum Depression

GTT: My Postpartum Depression And Anxiety Update

relaxation faves

Why did you start taking Lexapro?

After a battle with postpartum depression (technically I had post-weaning depression and anxiety) it was prescribed to me.

Did you suffer from anxiety or depression prior to PPD?

No. I’d never experienced any type of anxiety or depression prior.

Was Lexapro the first SSRI you tried?

Yes. And only one I’ve ever tried. Thankfully, the first SSRI that I was prescribed worked amazing for me.

This post was originally published on June 20, 2020.

1440 1920 Angela Lanter
  • Tiffany Bailey

    Thanks for sharing! I am currently still breastfeeding my 17 month old daughter and I am thankful to have your experience as possible guidance as we eventually try to navigate weaning. I tried antidepressants for severe headaches several years ago but didn’t find relief. I’m so glad that side effect makes it worth taking the pills! You are so strong and amazing for sharing your story with us!

  • So brave of you for being so transparent about your struggle! Makes us others out there feel less alone and more “normal.”
    I take a different anti depressant and mood stabilizing meds and I’ve experienced all side effects beside for floaters.
    I’ve been told that the PMS is actually linked to mental illness – (Hey your already suffering from a mental illness why not throw another mood altering syndrome into the mix ) but it could be the meds.
    As far as being on medication long term, I see it as a gift. It gives people who would not be able to function a chance for a normal life.

    • Angela Lanter

      I completely agree. I’m sorry that I waited so long to get on it but I’m so glad I finally did. Thanks for reading, Khaya.

  • Thank you for sharing! I’ve often wondered if I would benefit from something (especially because my work is tied to covid and I’m more stressed in 2020 than ever). My biggest concern has been the vivid dreams! My sister (who is my clone) has taken Lexapro and it gave her terrifying nightmares. So that makes me wonder how i would react. I’m so proud of you for sharing, and finding the courage to be open and honest. Working in healthcare, I can verify the number one drug type prescribed in the US year over year is antidepressants. We are a stressed anxiety, and hardly anyone is willing to talk about it. Thank you for your willingness to talk about it and let others know about your experiences!!

    • Angela Lanter

      That’s why I knew I needed to share my story and it’s sad that it isn’t talked about more. We don’t deserve to feel so alone. Thanks for reading, Brandi! ❤️

  • Alicia Del Vecchio

    So grateful to have found you. Never followed anyone before and when I saw your post weaning video and blog post it was like a light on. Never met anyone that had the same as me ever. I finally felt like it was ok to talk about since everyone said there is no such thing as post weaning depression and anxiety. I knew there was. I was so sure. Now I have the extra proof for others that may have it. I am so scared to wean my daughter due to relapsing into what happened 5yrs ago to me. I’ve been on antianxiety/depressants for 18yrs but had to change everything up 5yrs ago. I’m so grateful for who I found in you Angela and happy to follow along on your journeys knowing I was right all along with what I experienced. Thank you.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Alicia! You are definitely not alone girl and I’m here for you!

      • thank you. for being open and honest and wwith everyone here and thank you for being a inspiration praying for you and your family

  • Thank you for being so open and honest about everything with us! Thank you for being so inspiring and a role model ❤️

  • Jennifer Alexander

    Thank you for be so vulnerable. God knew from the very beginning of your depression that you would reach so many women who are currently suffering! No season is wasted by God. No shame in the medication that you’re taking. Sometimes God gives us the resources in front of us. We just to scared to try it. I love this blog post!

  • Such a beautiful post! I love ya girl!! You have such a beautiful heart and soul!! I am happy you are doing better and hope you continue to do better! One day at a time. Years ago I used to take Lexapro too for stress and such. Taking the medicine helped me with my stress. I am doing better now.

    • Angela Lanter

      I’m so glad ot hear that, Erin! Thank you for sharing with us!

  • Shannon Peoples

    Hi Angela, I’m so glad you posted about this. I have been wanting to ask you about your experience and if you were still on the medication for some time now! Thank you for sharing your story it definitely gives others courage.

    • Angela Lanter

      Feel free to reach out anytime, Shannon! I’m more than happy to help!

  • Thank you for sharing!! I started taking antidepressants back in 2013.. Still taking them. I’ve tried to wean & come off of them twice, but unfortunately did I have side effects, I was SUPER depressed again.. The depression & anxiety were far too much to handle, so I went back on them. I still have my “low” days where I feel a bit depressed, but I know it’ll pass.. Without the medication, I’m a MESS.. I didn’t want to be on them long term, but I’ve accepted that they help me feel “normal” & I can cope much better than without.

    People always told me NOT to tell people that I take antidepressants.. Because of the stigma… And that right there is WHY people are ashamed to admit they take them or that they are horrible & highly addictive… But I find that if you’re depressed & they help you, then that’s ok. Antidepressants help to re-balance the chemicals in your brain that are missing. I’ve tried natural supplements, but my depression is too severe & I need the medication. My depression stemmed from a motor vehicle accident…

    I am completely open & honest about my depression & I am happy that you have shared your story.

    I follow Julie Kebbel (Ariel Kebbel’s sister) on Instagram & she too suffers with mental health struggles… She’s truly an inspiration, as are you..

    If people keep themselves in the dark, how can we EVER end this horrible stigma around mental health!? Sharing our stories can really help someone who is living silently with mental health issues..

    You are an amazing woman Angela. You have inspired me & so many other woman out there & I am blessed to have followed you & watched as you go through this crazy journey that we call life. I hope that your post, your story can help other woman to speak up & never be ashamed to tell their stories as well.

    I’m sure, like me you share it to not only update your followers, but to also be an advocate & help let others know that it is ok to not be ok. And if you have to take some sort of medication to cope, you’re not alone.

    Thank you for being you & sharing your life with us. ❤️

    • Angela Lanter

      Thank you, Alyse, for sharing your story with us! It’s a shame that more women don’t speak out about what they’re dealing with. I’m so glad you’re ding what’s best for you and not worrying about what others think. ❤️

  • Lindsey Martin

    PROGESTERONE. Ask your Ob/Midwife for some blood work that looks at your PROGESTERONE levels. Low levels effect mood (angry side) and sleep. Happens more often after pregnancies with girls. Weird, I know, but serious. 100 mg of nightly PROGESTERONE can fix two of the items on your list that you think maybe side effects.

    • Angela Lanter

      Thanks, Lindsey! I had those checked with my doctor and was on a Progesterone serum then as well.

  • This is the first time I have ever replied to one of these but I feel very passionate about anxiety. It’s a real thing that no one should ever be ashamed of. It took me a very long time to be okay with that. I basically became a single parent when my father in law was diagnosed with a brain tumor and my husband as expected needed and wanted to be by his side during his last days. My kids were super young and I didn’t want to make a big deal about doing the daily things solo. My husband had enough on his plate and my doctor was amazing telling me it’s okay and this can be temporary and if it’s it not that’s okay too. Flash forward 7 years later and this pandemic has me off the charts. Not being able to do simple things like go to the store, my kids practices, etc. I started having panic attacks. I had never been vocal about being worried about the world around me so I was shocked and confused. My doctor said your body is use to you being go go go and now you can’t do anything. This too shall pass. I’m a firm believer that you have to take care of yourself to take care of others even if that means medicine. I have no shame in mine. I don’t feel cloudy or too much of anything. You cannot listen to people tell you it’s not normal and you shouldn’t do it and all this. You have to do what is best for you. Anxiety is real and treatment is really the best thing for it. Whether that is breathing exercises or million other things. Don’t let it consume you and take away your joy ladies!!!!!

    • Angela Lanter

      I completely agree, Alli. Thank you for sharing your story with us!!

  • Cat Shively

    Thanks for sharing your experience Mama. I’ve been on anti-depressants with a few stops here and there since I was 18. I will be 40 in a few months. In my family we suffer from major depression and it took me a long time to realize it was ok to be on my “happy pills” and know that I am someone who’s body chemistry won’t allow me to NOT be on them. I’m glad to hear that your journey has helped you and that you are able to slowly wean yourself off. For all the other Mama’s/daughters/sisters etc out there who are considering anti depressants know you have an ear if you need it.
    Much love!

    • Angela Lanter

      I’m so glad you’re taking care of YOU! Thanks, Cat!

  • Mindy Diegel

    So glad that you are doing better!! You shouldn’t have to suffer if you do not need to!! Xoxo

  • I’m glad it’s helping you! I often wonder about the meds for migraine. I have really bad migraines and my dr has always said antidepressants are an option for treating them. But it makes me nervous to go on those when I don’t actually struggle from any anxiety or depression issues. I worry it might mess up things that are messed up, just to fix one problem. But it’s nice to know they help you for that without many side effects! Thanks for sharing!

    • Angela Lanter

      IT might be worth you trying for a while! I’m so glad they help mine.

  • Thank you for sharing this. The past 2 years have not been the easiest at all. Even now my husband asks for me to come back and that he misses me. I had a fall out with my mom to the point where I had to remove myself and my family from the situation. I was 16 weeks pregnant at the time. She missed my whole pregnancy and I wasn’t excited about my pregnancy. As I waited for him to enter the world, all I could think about was the fact that my mom wasn’t there. 3 days after my son was born, I found out my brother had been arrested. Bring on my downward spiral. I reconnected with my mom and was in the process of helping her get back on her feet when she suddenly passed away. I was 8 months postpartum when she passed away. Her year anniversary of being in heaven just passed….and being on stay home order has not done wonders for my mental health. So I started running since our gyms are closed. My hopes is that the running can help me get out of my head. I tend to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and always feel guilty if I have to ask for help. I’m slowly realizing that if I don’t ask for help, I just drown.

    • Angela Lanter

      Oh, Ashley. I am so so sorry to hear this. I’m praying that things get better for you and your heart starts to heal.

  • Jessica Shaw

    I really love your honesty. I get horrid migraines to and the after effects from them are awful… I’m “glad” to hear I’m not alone in this because they can be scary. I suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety after both of my boys and never went in medication. Looking back (one is 17 and the other 6) I wish I did but I was sooo scared to! Sometimes I still get depressed and anxious and tell myself “ maybe meds would help” but again that stupid fear comes back. Reading tour post has given me a little more courage. Shoot even if for migraine relief! ❤️

    • Angela Lanter

      It might be worth talking to your doctor about. I suffered with it too long before finally taking and I regret not taking it sooner. I’m here for you, friend!

  • Erica Ortiz

    Thank you for sharing your story! I’ve been on Lexapro for 2 1/2 years now due to anxiety and depression and it is certainly a game changer! The PMS is definitely something that was new to me when I started taking the medication. I also notified the weight gain with Lexapro but a few months after being put on it, I was given a medication to add to my daily routine which makes me lose weight so the two balance each other out. I tried coming off Lexapro once before and after I week, I realized how much of positive impact it has on my daily life. Here I am 2 1/2 years later and I probably won’t be coming off of it any time soon.

  • Gemma Louise

    This can be a hard topic to talk about, well done you! All the love ❤️

  • Brittany Boisseau

    Thanks for being so honest and vulnerable. I know mamas feel like they have to be strong and shouldn’t need help, but sometimes we need the most.

  • Brittany Blackburn

    Thank you for allowing yourself to be completely vulnerable and transparent, Ang! Your bravery is inspiring! I enjoyed learning more about your journey. And you know I’m always here for you.

  • Hey! Love your share, it is a tough one allowing oneself to be so vulnerable. Takes a lot of courage!
    I just wanted to share as your going through your journey, and weaning off the lexapro.
    That some of these symptoms of anxiety and depression and the migraines can also be deficiencies in our bodies. One very common one is magnesium, and you may already be taking some but some forms of magnesium are more absorbent then others, and you may need a higher dose. Every time we go thru any kind of stress response our body uses up any available store of magnesium in our bodies.
    Some of the other things you mentioned could very well be the drug but also your body and hormones change especially after having a baby. There are a lot of natural herbs/supplements to help get those things in check as well.
    I have been struggling with my hormones after coming off the pill, it really messes with your system. Takes some work to get to balance them but doable.
    I hope I’m not over stepping I just wanted to help in any way that I can, I’ve dealt with sever anxiety and depression and a specific form dosage of magnesium was life changing for me. Something I have to still manage and be super mindful of, along with a few other herbs and supplements, but very manageable.

    • Angela Lanter

      Not overstepping at all, Elissa! Thank you for sharing with me!!

      • Hello.
        I’m a Lexapro newbie. I have taken 5mg for fourteen days….I bumped up to 10mg on Monday. Nausea and diarrhea.
        I tried Trintellix for one month. It was a horrible experience. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

        Has anyone experienced GI problems with Lexapro? I am truly at my wits end.
        Thank you.

        • Angela Lanter

          It did for me too, a bit, but it subsided!

        • Stephanie Loverde

          All antidepressants mess with your GI tract because Serotonin is based primarily in the gut. It relaxes the lower muscles of your esophagus which makes it easier for acid reflux to go back up the tube.

  • Stephanie Loverde

    Words can’t describe how happy I am that lexapro worked for you as the first antidepressant that you first tried and that you made it through that dark period. But I’m sorry I have to say this. Now I’m not trying to be rude or judge you but you HAVE to understand that antidepressants are NEVER something you just advertise based on “positive reviews”. That is SO DANGEROUS. Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it will work for someone else. The side effects also differ from person to person too.

    My digestive system has some issues because I’ve been on so many based on positive reviews from my doctor. It wasn’t until I took a test called “GENESIGHT” that I FINALLY found the right one. It also shows you what vitamins and minerals you are low in.

    I just don’t want anyone to go through what I went through and the mental health system needs to be improved so I’m just doing my part. Have a lovely evening and I look forward to more posts!

  • Stephanie Loverde

    Words can’t describe how happy I am that lexapro worked for you as the first antidepressant that you first tried and that you made it through that dark period. But I’m sorry I have to say this. Now I’m not trying to be rude or judge you but you HAVE to understand that antidepressants are NEVER something you just advertise based on “positive reviews”. That is SO DANGEROUS. Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it will work for someone else. Side effects differ per person too.

    My digestive system has some issues because I’ve been on so many based on positive reviews from my doctor. It wasn’t until I took a test called “GENESIGHT” that I FINALLY found the right one. It also shows you what vitamins and minerals you are low in.

    I just don’t want anyone to go through what I went through and the mental health system needs to be improved so I’m just doing my part. Have a lovely evening and I look forward to more posts!

  • Annabelle

    Hi.. love ur story.. I’m 5.weeks in total on meds.. 4 weeks 10mg.. Still have morning anxiety and little appetite. Hoping it improves

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